
  • Bitch blocked me...

    EDIT:  I stand corrected, I did once address another post on my blog to a specific person.  That mainly started as responding to his post about me, where I didn't want to do such a lengthy comment so I put it here on my blog.  Then within a week or so, because I don't like the idea of doing entires aimed at specific people in the first place, I deleted it and went about my merry way and completely forgot about it until the person's name showed up in the comments on this entry.  So now I've fixed this entry and everyone is free to decide for themselves whether I lied about that or simply forgot about it - I really don't care because there are more important things to deal with.

    Everyone was right, if you don't agree with mtngirlsouth it doesn't matter how damn civil you are to her, she will block you - apparently she thinks by blocking you and ignoring the debate she won.  I managed to copy and paste her last response to me, but was unable to post my response back to her because like the child she is she blocked me - so here it is.  

    Her to Me:  

    @Melissa___Dawn - There we have it. I don't want to "call marriage a "civil union" for everyone but Christians". I want to call it a civil union for EVERYONE. Leave marriage as a sacred religious covenant. Keep the government out of religion, and vice versa. I also take issue with this CRAP about "I agreed with the other commenter on here that they are not issues, you just like to think they are." The fact that you only think it is an issue when you agree with it says a lot about YOU. People not being allowed free speech, the Bible being declared "hate speech" certainly are real issues. Mayers wanting to disallow certain businesses because of the CEO's religious beliefs are a REAL issue. If you refuse to acknowledge that, you are just being dishonest. And this is the very reason why people who think like me cannot have any kind of discussion with people who think like you. You are NOT interested in equality or liberty for ALL people. YOU are only interested in those with whom you agree.

    Which makes me think that what you really do want is to have the authority to throw us in jail, or an insane asylum. To make the Bible an illegal book. And since I have already stated clearly that I do not want two standards, but ONE for ALL that LEAVES my religion OUT of it, and yet you also ignore that, after this you shall be blocked. You have only succeeded in proving that you do not care about actual equality, are not interested in the rights and liberties of ALL people, and are perfectly happy to ignore anything that does not coincide with your imagined reality. Goodbye.

    My Response (that she won't see because she's afraid to face reality):  

    @mtngirlsouth - You just made yourself look like a complete fool. First of all, I already stated why the government isn't going to get out of "marriage". Second, even if it went that way, and Christians applied for and received both marriage and civil union certificates - that pretty much sums up exactly what I said would happen with keeping all non-Christians and gay Christians as second-class citizens. I agreed with the other commenter and did not respond because he already pointed out the flaws - do you really need it repeated again and again? I don't think so, 'cause you aren't going to see it that way and you will continue to agree with your own group. I agreed with him because HE WAS RIGHT. I've said multiple times that I do NOT agree with mayors being allowed to ban businesses because of their beliefs - and the fact of the matter is they aren't allowed to do that and if they tried the courts would step in and stop it. You can't just assume they won't and therefore halt all progress in this country. I don't give a rat's ass who agrees with me or not - law, especially constitutional law, is my passion and I very much agree with equal rights for all Americans.

    As to your second paragraph, you have got to be kidding me! You took me wanting equality for everyone to mean that I want to jail Christians or lock them up in insane asylums and ban the Bible?!?!? So now to want equal marriage rights for homosexuals is the same thing as wanting to ban Christianity?!? I don't want to do that, I don't care what you believe as long as you don't force me to believe the same thing by turning it into legislation everyone in this country must agree with. I don't want to jail you or put you in an insane asylum, but I do think you might benefit from a few psychotropic medications because if that is what you got out of what I said you are delusional. And you just proved what I've seen many others say about you - YOU are the one who cannot handle having anyone disagree with you and as soon as you're losing - you block them. For the record, failure to acknowledge the issue/debate does not mean you won.

    If anyone else still has access to her site and could copy and paste our entire exchange and email it to me at: melissadawn.dawn@gmail.com I would greatly appreciate it as I would love for all of it to be available here for everyone to make their own decision on the situation.


  • nothing interesting here. . .

    It's been a while since I made a post, although I'm still around commenting.  Things have been rough lately.  Buying my childhood home from my parents may not have been the best idea, too many ghosts.  I've been here almost one year now.  My parents have been in Florida almost a year now.  I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that I can't just drive over and see them any time I want.  We've always been a very close family and now I feel so alone with my parents in a different state and my brother having been killed.  I have no other siblings.  I have no family left in the state I live in.  And my house does nothing but remind me of the past.  :(  It's been difficult.  I knew I was slightly depressed a few months ago, but it seems to have gotten worse lately.  Since I'm depressed I haven't been keeping up with everything like I should, so my house still isn't put together and I have other projects started and then pushed aside.  That in turn has triggered stress which has triggered my OCD.  I'm getting too caught up in the details and can't seem to get anything finished.  And I'm constantly tired, but can't sleep.  Thankfully two of my friends have been a huge help through this.  This weekend they both came over and helped me get a lot done.  I still feel completely overwhelmed, but it helped.  Hopefully soon the house will be completely organized to my OCD standards, I know from past experience that alone will make everything at least 75% better, lol.   

    Anyway, here's a picture of my youngest cat, Kaya - she's very patient with the game "stuff on my cat", lol!


  • Take a break from the drama. . .

    Soooooooooo much drama around here lately.  I thought it was about time I did a weblog entry, you know, just to let everyone know I am indeed still alive.  I've been working second shift now since December and I'm still trying to adjust.  I've always been more of a night-owl, but for the years I worked first shift (8:00 to 4:30) I would get to bed around 2:00 a.m. at the latest and all seemed to work out well.  Now that I'm back on second shift (3:00 to 11:30) I've slipped back into my old ways of staying  up until 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. and sleeping most of the day away.  It's a good thing I tore out the garden and laid down grass seed, 'cause gardening at midnight doesn't work so well, lol.  

    Besides working second shift I've been busy still trying to get organized from my move in August.  Yes, it's taking me forever this time around and it's stressing me out a lot because, well, I have OCD about being organized and I feel like I'm floating in a pool of chaos, lol!  I did get my office finished, well almost finished, I'm still organizing the closet and then I need to dust off all the books and CDs as when we sanded we forgot to shut the door the first time and everything ended up covered in a fine dust.  Once it's totally finished I'll post some pictures - I think it turned out great and I'm anxious to get going on the other rooms even though it's quite time-consuming.  

    Now for something much more fun.  I have decided to throw a BBQ this summer, but not just any BBQ party, an 80's themed BBQ party.  The tables will be draped with yellow, hot pink and turquoise table cloths with black and white checkered runners that have colored shapes on them.  I've got some paper lanterns and balloons in the same neon colors with animal prints on them.  I'm working on an 80's soundtrack for the party - and since we now have mp3 technology I'm going to splice the disc with one-liners from 80's teen movies like The Breakfast Club and Pretty In Pink.  And since my parties are themed there is a dress requirement to the theme - so I'll be going as Boy George.  For party favors I've got a start with neon animal print tote bags.  I've found and ordered 2 items for the bags already: 

    Rubik's Cube keychain

    Atari joystick tin filled with gum

    Of course there will be plenty of food, including Pac-Man chips and dip, Jell-O shots and I may attempt to make a Rubik's Cube cake like the one below.

    So what do you think, does it sound like a fun party theme?  Anyone have any other suggestions?  


  • The Versatile Blogger. . .


    So I actually got tagged for something.  :)  I haven't been around much lately - lots going on.  Anyway, here are the rules:

    Rules: Thank the award giver and link them in your post.
    Share seven things about yourself.
    Pass this award along to blogs that you enjoy reading.
    Contact your chosen bloggers, let them know, and post the award picture.

    First, thanks goes to godfatherofgreenbay for tagging me.  I love reading his blog, especially Caturdays, and I've never been so caught up on celeb news before, lol.

    Now, 7 things about myself:

    1.  I just bought my first brand new car.  No one else has owned this car, it's all mine.  It's a 2012 Chevy Sonic, 4 door/hatchback.  And I even managed to get it in my favorite color, orange.  I named it "Sookie" from the True Blood series, lol.

    2.  I am (embarrassingly) addicted to Farmville.  However, I am a considerate player in that I created a fake FB account and only have other Farmville players on that account so I don't bug my real friends with all the FV posts.  I'm not too caught up in the quests and masteries any longer, mostly I just like to work on landscaping my farms and making them look pretty.

    3.  I work from home as a medical transcriptionist.  It's a really great job and I get to do it in my jammies, save on gas and clothes expenses, and sleep until 10 minutes before I start my shift.  However, many people are under the impression that since I work from home I can pretty much flex my schedule any way I want or goof off all day - this is not true, I work set days/hours and because it's transcription every keystroke is tracked and they would easily know if I were goofing off instead of working.

    4.  In high school I took French because I had read that if you want to learn African languages you should learn French first.  All I wanted in high school was to graduate, join the Peace Corp and eventually live in South Africa.  I was so disappointed when I found out that in order to join the Peace Corp you had to go to college or join the military first.  The military was out and I didn't get to finish college so my life ended up going in a different direction, though I still have high hopes of someday seeing South Africa, although I've managed to forgot most of the French I learned in high school.  

    5.  My social anxiety/fear of public speaking actually led to me dropping out of high school in the second half of my junior year because at my school "speech" was a non-elective credit and I refused to do it.  I wanted only to transfer schools, however, open enrollment didn't happen for another year and I had to get permission from the principal of my current school in order to transfer, which of course she would not grant permission.  Once open enrollment was instated I transferred to a different school, made the B honor roll, and was able to take business and law classes that helped in my current career and my passion with law.  In my case, dropping out of high school turned out to be a good thing.  

    6.  I am terrified of heights and flying.  Once when my brother and I were teenagers we were heading over the "high bridge" to go to the Taste of Minnesota and halfway across I made the mistake of looking over the edge.  I totally panicked and froze and my brother literally had to carry me off the bridge.  As for flying, I keep trying to overcome my fear by looking out the window when we get close to landing.  It hasn't worked.  In my mind all I can think about is how low we would have to be in order to survive falling out of the plane - which of course makes no sense because even at a low enough height to survive the plane is going too fast to actually survive falling out of it.  

    7.  I once won award from our local newspaper for writing one of the best 25 "letters to the editor" - it was about research funding for stem cell research.

    And finally, my tags:  I'm kind of cheating on this one because I'm obviously so late getting to this that most people on my subscription/friends list have already been tagged or they are no longer really active on Xanga as it's been a while since I updated my lists (and because it's late and I'm really tired, lol) - so as far as I'm concerned if you're reading this and no one has tagged you for this yet, you're tagged so do it!  :)  Hopefully I'll be back around Xanga more often in the near future.

  • Lonely Christmas. . .

    This was my first Christmas completely alone.  Last summer my parents moved to Florida, so I have no family left in Minnesota.  Well, there's still an estranged uncle and cousin in Minnesota, but as stated they are estranged and I prefer it that way for a reason.  I also have one other cousin in the state who I do get along with, but he's considerably younger and busy with his family that I don't know very well (my uncle was divorced from his mother many, many years ago).  With my new work schedule (3:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.) I've been having a hard time keeping dates straight, let alone my work schedule.  I probably would have had quite a few invites to join friends at their family gatherings, but I kept telling everyone I had to work Christmas.  I thought I did, but Thursday I finally actually checked my work calendar and realized I had offered to cover the "observed holiday", which is Monday, December 26.  It was too late to get invited to Christmas with friends.  With my brother having been killed shortly before Christmas, this holiday has been difficult enough.  Now I'm all alone.  I decided I needed to keep busy and do things I enjoy and not dwell on what was missing this holiday.  

    So this morning I got up and got somewhat dressed up, not overboard but nicer than usual.  I put the "fireplace" DVD in and put on some Christmas music, but avoided the sad Christmas songs.  Then I went out to get the mail and my neighbor was on her way over to another neighbor's and stopped to talk to me.  I've known this neighbor since I was a kid.  When I was about 9 or 10 they bought the house next door to my childhood home.  I have since bought my childhood home from my parents and moved back into the neighborhood.  Before that, the house I lived in I had actually purchased from this neighbor's daughter and husband, so we've known each other a long, long time.  At any rate, she asked what I was doing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I kind of did have today planned out and didn't want to change anything, but I was open to tomorrow.  So tomorrow I'm going to my neighbor's for a nice home-cooked meal.  

    Anyway, after that being set up I came back in the house and got to work baking.  I made a batch of ginger cookies that turned out perfect.  I also made a batch of butterscotch haystacks and a batch of chocolate haystacks.  Then I made about 65 sugar cookies.  I made the dough the night before, separated it into 6 sections and used food color to make red, green, blue, yellow, and brown dough, leaving one batch uncolored.  Today I cut out the dough and baked the cookies; red candy canes and santa hats, green Christmas trees and stockings, yellow stars and bells, blue snowflakes and ornaments, brown gingerbread boys and girls, and plain gifts and snowmen.  They turned out perfect as well.  

    Once the baking was done I made my Christmas Eve dinner; turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and green beans with carrots - a TV dinner actually, lol.  After dinner I cleaned everything up.  Then it was time to give the cats their Christmas treats.  They all got some loving, gifts, and treats - then some catnip.  After that the cats pretty much went to sleep, stoned out of their minds from the catnip, lol.  I turned off the music and the fireplace, got into my sock monkey footie jammies, turned the TV on to the ID (true crime) channel, and sat down to play some Farmville.  I cheat, I use a snagbar on Farmville, so I had ovfer 1000 gifts on there to open - so that was fun.  :P  

    Tomorrow I'll be decorating the sugar cookies and making a gingerbread house.  Then to my neighbor's for dinner, of course bringing some of the goodies I baked.  After that I'm going to settle in and watch my favorite Christmas movie, "Meet Me In St. Louis".  All-in-all, not too bad for my first Christmas alone, though I really do miss my parents.  We have already discussed having them fly up next year for Christmas.  I'm terrified of flying, especially alone, but even more so, there is no way I'm going to fly alone during the holidays, lol.

    Oh yeah, it's been in the high 30s/early 40s and we've only had 2 snowfalls; the first one melted completely, the second one on Friday left us with a light covering.  Almost got my lifelong wish of a snow-free Christmas in Minnesnowta, lol.  

    Some pictures from today.

    Ginger cookies.  They're nice and soft, as opposed to ginger snaps, I prefer these. 

    Butterscotch haystacks.

    Chocolate haystacks.

    Sihle trying out her new bed.

    It's after 1:00 a.m. so I should probably get some sleep.  I'll have pictures of the decorated sugar cookies and the gingerbread house tomorrow.  Until then, here's one of my favorite Christmas lolcat pictures.  :)



  • Edited Dr. Who. . .

    Stupid Xanga didn't take the second half first time around, lol.

    2007-05-23 - Jesus vs Dr Who 1

    2007-05-25 - Jesus vs Dr Who 2



  • Discount Halloween shopping. . .

    Yesterday after work I went out to 3 different stores to check on discount Halloween stuff.  I already have the theme for next year, "Chop Shop".  I had to go on the way cheap side this year and so went with the vampire theme because I found the majority of that stuff deeply discounted on close-out sales and discontinued lines.  I was able to nab the wall roll covering of a bloody butcher scene, an animated/talking skeleton, and skull stake lights for the yard all at half price.  I also nabbed 4 pet costumes, my cats are so going to hate me, lol.  And I got a toy AK-47 that looks close enough to the customized Mallory Knox rifle I had previously, but the second handle is molded into it so I won't have issues like my old one that keeps falling off.  I'll have to paint it and add the shell holder and shells, but that shouldn't take too long.  I have decided to completely give up Christmas.  Since my brother died so close to Christmas, and my parents are living in Florida now and I refuse traveling during the holidays, and I'm an atheist I simply see no reason to be bothered with Christmas decorations and celebrations.  It's just depressing.  I'm going to focus all my holiday efforts on Halloween.  :)  I'm also going to start saving for and purchasing some Halloween animatronics for the yard.  Spirit Halloween had an awesome life-size Reagan animatronic from The Exorcist that was marked half-price yesterday.  I still didn't have the $90 for it this year, but that is a great price and I'm going to keep it in mind for next year.  

    Today is my day off for working next weekend, so it's back to house organizing and laundry.  

  • Halloween party pictures. . .

    It was a good party, fun was had by all - at least I assume so since the party didn't break up until 5:00 a.m., lol!  We were late finishing setting up for the party, so I didn't get the pictures posted yesterday like I had planned.  Of course, after the party broke up I went straight to bed and slept most of the day.  I'm still pretty worn out and planning to head back to bed soon, will be good to get my sleep schedule back on track.  So here are the pictures.

    We put black netting and gauze on the fireplace, along with 2 candelabras of bleeding candles and some skull lights dangling down the sides.

    This was the vampire scene by the entrance - it was tricky getting that up, we didn't quite get it pulled and smoothed enough.

    The hearse in the hallway facing the buffet we had.

    Spooky pictures above the couch - and the dancing grim reaper (it played "Another One Bites The Dust") on the end table.

    The front windows - these are still up and will stay up until after Halloween.  They look creepy from the outside.

    The buffet.

    The mozzarella monster eyeballs, bat and cat sugar cookies and "pimples" (pomegranate).

    The bat and cat chips, brain dip, moldy dinner rolls, dirty Q-tips (mini marshmallows and butterscotch) and bloody centerpiece.

    The meat and cheese platter.

    The gummy body parts and blood (cherry) syrup tray, the "Dexter" bloody slide suckers.

    The kitty litter cake with tootsie roll poo.  Yeah, the cake was a huge hit.  :P

    My vampire costume.

  • TGF the weekend!

    I'm taking a break from organizing and cleaning to finish up the Halloween party playlist, so while I'm screening songs I thought I'd drop by Xanga.  The house is not going to be done in time for the party tomorrow, but I will get the living room finished tonight and then all I have left is the office, kitchen and basement.  I may or may not get more done in the office tonight, otherwise I'm just shutting the door to that room.  There is no way I have enough time to get the kitchen done, most of the stuff is still in boxes in the basement.  However, it will be clean for the party and I'll finish up the kitchen and basement over time.  Fortunately, the basement only consists of setting up a little TV area for playing Wii, and then going through everything that didn't find a place upstairs and either finding a place for it or getting rid of it.  

    My best friend came over this afternoon and we worked all afternoon and part of the evening on the party food.  Most of the food is ready, just a few things to finish up tomorrow.  He's coming back early tomorrow to help finish up the food and hang the decorations.  I'm going to need at least an hour to take a bath and get into my costume.  The party is a vampire theme (NOT Twilight, lol) because I was able to find a "fangtastic" set of party supplies for "grave-dirt" cheap.  Yes, my costume is a vampire.  I'm wearing the black and red, satin and lace goth dress I wore to CONvergence last year and I picked up some retractable fangs.  

    I'm looking forward to this break in the organizing/cleaning.  Hopefully a night off to really party will relieve some of my stress and it won't be so daunting to get the rest of the house done.  My poor cat Zulu has been hiding in the basement for hours, he's terrified of other people and automatically hides when someone comes over.  Now he's out crying and demanding petting.  He's not going to be happy tomorrow.  :( 

    I will post pictures of the set up tomorrow before the party since my parents are requesting them anyway.  :)